Vitiligo Treatment
All white patches are not vitiligo. Dermatologist is a qualified person to find out the cause of white patch. Vitiligo is seen as single or multiple areas of white skin on body. It appears because the cells which give the skin its color are either destroyed or damaged. Now a days there are multiple modes of vitiligo treatment available to stop the progression of the disease and to bring back the color (pigmentation).
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Frequently Asked Questions
Vitiligo appears because the cells which give the skin its colour are either destroyed or damaged. Person’s immune system damages own melanocytes (color producing cells).
The condition can spread slowly or rapidly. It can cover few areas or whole body (generalised vitiligo). It can begin at any age, but mostly people develop it before the age of twenty.
Person can inherit it from parents or it can appear in a person with no family history of vitiligo. It is not infectious condition, as commonly believed.
The social stigma attached to it is mainly result of inability to treat vitiligo and other conditions with white patches in past. Now a days there are multiple modes of treatment available to stop the progression of the disease and to bring back the color (pigmentation).
In contradiction to the past, now a days there are multiple modes of treatment available to stop the progression of the disease and to bring back the colour (pigmentation). Advanced lights, lasers, repigmentation procedures stimulate natural pigment production at the site of white patches.
Cure in vitiligo is very tricky term. Any disease which happens due to genetic factors cant be completely removed from the body. Any such claims cant be scientifically proven. But the manifestations (white patches) can be controlled and pigmentation (color) can be brought back.
Out of wide treatment options; selection is made as per stage, extent and severity of the vitiligo.
- Oral tablets
- Topical cream application
- Narrow band UVB treatment
- Eximer laser
- Punch Grafting surgery
- Split skin thickness grafting
- Melanocyte transfer surgery
Look at the difference
before and after procedures